The Biblio Blogazine

Reviews, Opinions, and More

Archive for January, 2007

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My Reviewing Criteria Explained

January 01, 2007 By: J.C. Montgomery Category: Miscellaneous

  • Any book I receive from an author, publisher, or publicist is prioritized to the top of my "To Be Read" list.

  • I make every attempt to read and review the book within 60 days of receiving it. If I feel I need more time, I will contact the author, publisher, or publicist with a new date.
  • I will clearly identify the origin of the book if received any other way than as a gift from family or purchased by me.
  • I make every attempt to link back to the author’s website if one is provided or easily identified.
  • Even if I do not care for the book, my review will be honest, fair and clearly state the reasons why it did not appeal to me as I realize my likes and dislikes are my own preferences. I leave it to the reader of the review to decide if, regardless of my opinion, they feel the book may suit them better than it did me.
  • If the book is an ARC, it will never leave my shelf. If it is a final, published edition, I usually keep it if it rates at least 3 Stars. All other books will be donated to Friends of the Library in order to be resold; the proceeds going to benefit ongoing and/or proposed library programs. If this is an issue, please state in advance how you wish me to pass on the book.
  • I will refuse any book that comes with conditions or caveats about promoting it in a way that will jeopardize my credibility.
  • I prefer historical fiction; however, I also enjoy contemporary fiction, translations, and anthologies. I do occasionally read and review non-fiction and memoirs. I will consider self-published books if in book form. I am fairly open-minded and not overly sensitive to foul language or violence unless used in a gratuitous nature – thus thrillers, science fiction, mysteries, fantasy, horror, romance or erotica will be considered.
  • I don’t mind doing an interview with an author and providing it along with the review. 
  • In addition to this blog, I am a lifetime member of LibraryThing. All my reviews are cross-posted there. I also participate in reading challenges throughout the year and there may be instances where if the book read satisfies a challenge requirement, I will cross-post or link my review to those sites. Update: All reviews on my blog are fed to my Twitter account.

My Rating System Explained

5 Stars
I could not stop reading it except under extreme duress or in need of sustenance in order to keep reading and finish the book.

4 Stars
I did put the book down to sleep, run important errands, but couldn’t wait until I could return and start up where I left off.

3 Stars
I like what I’m reading, but having to put it down and not being able to start up again until later doesn’t make me break out in hives or feel like I’m missing out by taking breaks every now and then.

2 Stars
I generally give most works that I am not enjoying about 100 pages to redeem themselves. Also, if the tone or style is too archaic or poorly researched I will make note of this. I will not discard the book just because of these issues, but they will be noted and mentioned in the review.

1 Star
I made it past the 100 pages, but most likely skimmed to the end or endured what I could because I feel that perhaps it is more of a personal preference issue rather than a technical one.

0 Stars
I didn’t make it past the point mentioned above and after reading the last bit of the book discovered that not reading the book was a sound decision.

It must be noted that as of this writing, I have never given a book a zero rating. This should be an indication to anyone who reads this blog or wishes to submit a book for review, that I give each book I read every chance before giving it my final rating.

I review from the heart: meaning, what I share with my readers is how the book affected me and why. I touch upon plot and characterizations, and shy away from ever providing spoilers. I will use verbiage from jacket covers as well as synopses, and I will also quote from the author but only about the book and its content. (Quotes taken from author’s own website and/or any interviews, introductions, notes provided in the book) Of course this may not apply to ARC’s as I understand the content may not make it into the final edition.

Please visit this link to see a list of past reviews sorted by year then rating. These should provide you with a sample of my style.

How to Contact Me

Click to reach my email as this is my preferred method of contact. Should we agree your book is a good fit for myself and my blog, I will be happy to give you my mailing address.

If this link does not work, my email address is cappsmontgomery AT hotmail DOT com.


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