The Year in Review….My Way
I am not sure why I picked these particular categories other than they interested me the most and I felt it important to figure out my reading habits and preferences as in:
Am I reading more men than women? Or vice versa?
52% Male, 48% Female. Not bad really. I like that fact it was this close without me making any conscious decision to read one over another. Nice.
Am I too harsh or lenient when rating what I read?
Average rating given was 4 Stars, and this is how it broke down:
1 Star Rating = 4%
2 Star Rating = 4%
3 Star Rating = 24%
4 Star Rating = 24%
5 Star Rating = 44%
In looking at this, I’m either lucky in that I usually get very good books to read, or I’m more lenient than I should be. Something I will have to look at next year. However, I must give credit to all the wonderful book bloggers I follow as many of the stories I read were previously reviewed and recommended.
Am I well rounded in my reading, as in American authors versus those from other countries?
52% American
28% Irish/Scottish/British (Most of those were Irish)
12% Canadian
8 % Hispanic
Interesting. I had already planned to read more Latin American and Spanish authors in addition to reading more Canadian writing of course – especially after being introduced to writers such as Alice Munro and Carol Shields.
What genre do I tend to read most?
36% Historical Fiction
24% Short Stories
24% Contemporary Fiction
16% Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Young Adult
00% Non-Fiction
No surprises here. I already knew that Historical Fiction is my favorite. But one of the reasons I made it a point to do this, was to see where I may wish to venture next….to broaden my reading horizons as it were.
I do plan on reading one non-fiction book next year, but unless it gets a heck of a recommendation from someone, I don’t think I will be going out of my way to read more.
I have read some fantasy and found I do like the “darker” side. So I will be reading several books next year about vampires. We’ll see how that goes.
Yes, there are no romances. Not a one. However, there were plenty of love stories: The Time Traveler’s Wife, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, The Shadow of the Wind, Twilight among just a few.
But a true romance novel? Hmm. I have no idea. But I tend never to say never when it comes to reading. I will always be willing to give it a go – but again, only if I get a great recommendation from someone I trust.
Well that’s it. My year in review.
So how did you do? Did you spot a trend? Or was any of the above a consideration to you when chosing books to read?
Either way, I hope you had a great reading year, and may your next be even better!